5 Tips For A Physical Wellness Routine
Starting any new routine takes time and dedication. Here are 5 tips to help you establish and maintain a wellness routine.
1. Stay organized: Sit down on Sunday and plan out your exercises for the week ahead. Don’t forget to include any weekly activities or outings you have planned.
2. Stay motivated: Your normal routine should include exercises/activities that you look forward to and enjoy. To avoid getting bored, sprinkle in something new and exciting from time to time. You never know- that new activity may become a stable in your routine!
3. Stay accountable: Find a workout buddy, walking group, or join a class with a friend to help you stay on track. Working with a health professional can also help track your exercise and activity levels.
4. Stay consistent: Establish a weekly routine that works for you and learn what time of day, activities, and settings help you thrive.
5. Stay the course: Set small weekly and larger monthly activity goals. When you write down your exercise plan, include goals as well. Tracking your progress will help you see your hard work pay off in real time!
Routines take time to establish and having extra support may be just what you need to get going. Reach out to Let’s Get Moving and see how the expertise of a physical therapist can help you reach all of your health and wellness goals.